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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There's a lot of things about me! But know this...I serve Jesus!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


So if you live in Toronto and have not heard about this yet...then you better crawl out from under the rock!

There was a huge manhunt this morning! It was a police invasion that went wrong. One man died at the hands of the police and another with a shotgun wound...however, he escaped and was on the loose! The had the roads shut down at Bayview and steeles and the surrounding area...for those who don't live here...steeles and Bayview is a big intersection, especially at 7:30 in the morning! There were at least 16 cop cars, three helicopters, and special tactics units swarming the area!

This was this first thing I heard about when I woke up this morning! I turned on Breakfast television and there it was, I was like..."Neat! That's like three minutes from my house...and I have to go to school which is even closer to the scene!" It's scary, hearing about things like this that you only see in movies. It's even scarier when you live in the neighbourhood! I describe the scene I saw this morning as something directly from 24! There was a bit of disbelief, a bit of nerves, but mostly shock that our city hasn't gotten this bad! Where did we go wrong? Why is there such evil? Who do we blame? How do we fix it?

I ask myself these questions quite frequently! I think many people ask these questions every day! In my philosophy class we have been talking about evil and where it came from. How God would "allow" evil to happen! If anyone knows about this you'll understand what I mean when I say Theodicy, but for those who don't, theodicy is the theory of evil as it pretains to God. There are many different kinds, there's the "gentle reminder theodicy", the "best of all worlds theodicy", "free will" etc. Does God allow evil? Does God allow sin like this? That's what theodicy is trying to answer. And honestly, I still haven't figured it all out! I know that God gave us free will, so that we can choose between good and evil, and because of this free will he will never "interupt" so to speak! This to some people would be considered evil on God's part, he knows when bad things are going to happen and he doesn't always stop them! But I think that's where we, as Christians, need to step in! We must act as agents of God to show that love, teach the difference between good and evil, not just the sugar coated stuff that we teach now, we need to shock people out of doing evil! It may seem a little sketchy, to say that we're gonna "shock-rock" people, but just think about it! Maralin Manson for example...complete crazy man and when he does anything it's talked about for days! Believe it or not folks, shock-rock works! I don't mean for us to do crazy dangerous things, but use images to teach, testimonies, etc. More than we are now! Have you even been to the court house on 311 Jarvis? It the family and young offenders court...anyone can go! It's heart wrenching to sit in on cases of 13 year old sex offenders! Gah! Where did we go so wrong?? That was my "shock" experience! You should try it sometime! Spend a day with a homeless person and see what he does in a run of a day! Stand outside the local high school where there's drugs galore! Shock Yourself and then fight for good!

Wow! That's a rant! Hopefully a coherent rant! I just get so frustrated with this city sometimes!

Peace...I'm outta here!


Blogger David said...

I've been away from the rock for far too long.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Debs said...

Correction! I was wrong about some of the details, it was two men breaking into a house and the neighbor called the police! One man was shot dead and the other one just got shot...they were considered armed and dangerous! Eep! too!

4:31 PM  

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