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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There's a lot of things about me! But know this...I serve Jesus!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Law of Non-Contradiction

So this morning I had the wonderful opportunity to teach the teen Sunday School class at ETC! It was a time! There were five of us and we discussed how Christians often contradict what the Bible tells us to do.

One of the exercises that we had to do was right contraditions that Christians make. Things like, not loving our neighbours, worshipping false idols, saying mean things, etc. I started to think about it, about my own life and how I often contradict what the Bible says.

I have a extremely wild tongue and those who know me really well know this. I always use the excuse that it's my love for fashion, make-up, hair, and accessories that causes me to critique people. It's terrible, it isn't my love for those things, it's my sinful, hateful human nature that does. So right now I am starting a new tradition/holiday thingie, I call it...mid-lenten season resolutions. This time (April 2nd) every year I will make a resolution, this years? To tame my tongue!

It sounds kind of ridiculas and maybe the name is but the thought isn't so...I challenge you to join me in this most cheerful of holiday's (I laugh) and make a resolution as well. Also, some accountablitiy for me would be awesome too!

"Go to the places Jesus would have gone, see the people Jesus would have seen, touch the people Jesus would have touched, and love the people Jesus would have loved!" -Leanne Freison

Peace, I'm outta here!


Blogger c said...

Mine is to become an full time evangelist without quitting work! (In other words, incorporate spreading His News into every area of my life).

Maybe that would be a very good way to tame the tounge?

2:22 AM  
Blogger David said...

I can see the 3006 calendar now:

April 2: Mid-Lenten Season Resolutions

This strange yet widely-practiced celebration began a century ago in the former city of Toronto. Although the specific origins are under dispute by religious scholars, many believe that the tradition was first observed by an orange Newfie who wanted to give her tongue to God. Some neo-catholic-anibaptists claim to have the original tongue of this mysterious "Mother of Mid-Lenten" held in a jar of formaldehyde, but these claims have not been proven as the NCA council has not concented to genetic testing. The visit of the Mid-Lenten Goat-Antelope was not introduced until the post-plargovian-shift era when online grocers began selling sugar-goats in late March each year.

OK, maybe I got a little carried away on that one. I still like your idea.

7:17 AM  
Blogger Debs said...

David you're so silly! That's almost as crazy as your theory on randomness!:)
Coops, thanks that would be an awesome why to tame the tongue, I'll give it a go!

7:59 AM  

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