To those about to rock...
I'm in an emotional state of confusion at this exact moment! It could be me (a computer illiterate) trying to install a new version of itunes to my computer! It could be the long night at work, it could be the fact that it's 1:30 in the morning! Or maybe it's the feeling of bittersweetness that is serging through my vains. It's November 26th, to you this may mean absolutely nothing, however, to me it means a fairly easy ride! However, I never thought that this ride would be with it a bit of heartbreak...sigh! Lesley and Josh came and are now gone. The Tempest is over! There is only two more weeks left to school, then exams, then Christmas, then my final semister at Tyndale! That's exciting but yet quite sad! I had no problem with the idea that I'm leaving Tyndale in May, but since I've started this Theatre class things changed. I guess it's one of those things that happens when you do a make really good friends. It's crazy that everyone in this class is either a 3rd or 4th year student and I've only met one of them before and now, I know each on such a deeper level! It was such an amazing class, the professor was awesome, the show was hilarious, and the relationships will last a lifetime!
"Here's my comfort!"
"Here's my comfort!"