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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There's a lot of things about me! But know this...I serve Jesus!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

This is Awesome!!

This past weekend the Ontario Central Division went to Collingwood/Blue Moutain for our youth together ski trip and it was awesome! What more could you ask for in a weekend...New Glory Shoppe leading worship...Steve Court preaching...and 8 hours on the slopes...that just has excitement written all over it! We got there at around 8ish on Friday night and the band was already warmed up and ready to PARTY! We ate pizza, listen to the word, and worshipped God! The way every Friday night should be! Saturday we headed for the slopes at 8 am, spent all day there and that evening we went to another church in Collingwood. We joined them for a "delish" spaghetti dinner and then worship and dug into the word again! Sunday morning we had a service with the Collingwood Community Church and its soldiers!

The Spirit was there this weekend and a lot of praying was being done! The theme of the weekend was Holy Temple and Steve did a great job of getting God's word out to us! We also learned how lucky we are here in Canada to have freedom! Thanks Edi!

I learned a very important thing this weekend! I suck at snowboarding! I went down the bunny slope twice and this other, intermediate hill once! I'm terrible! I felt like a huge loser wearing an orange jacket and white pants because I didn't stay up on my board for more than five seconds! People from space could see how bad I was! But it was the experience that matters...and plus I did invent another way of foot in your bindings and kneel on your board with your other leg! It looks cool, and when you wip out you have a shorter distance to fall! I'm a goober!

The weekend rocked! The hotel was sketchy! The worship was beautiful! Snowboarding is cool...except when the boarder is me! Steve spoke fire and brimstone! Collingwood is beautiful! With it's ups and downs the weekend will not be forgotten!

I didn't give my testimony of thanksgiving because I was really sore and couldn't get up so I'll give it here...I'm thankful that our God is so cool and amazing that He created the Earth and it's beauty! The piercing blue sky, snow covered mountains, the firey yellow sun, and the snowboarder!

Be Bispiritual!


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