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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There's a lot of things about me! But know this...I serve Jesus!

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Last night as I laid in bed, watching the numbers roll by on my clock, I had an epiphany! The saying, "don't just do something, sit there" has great merit in our world today! Let me explain!

I went to bed last night at like 12:15ish which may not seem real late to some of you night owls out there but for me...I had a three hour class starting at 8:30 on the first part of Romans 3! Wonderful class but the prof just talks the entire time and those who know me well...I have an incredibly short attention span! But more importantly, I need sleep and a lot of it to function. The Bible verse that says, "the joy comes with the morning" does not apply to me at all!!

But anyways, it was getting late and my mind was all over the place so I wasn't getting sleepy in the least bit. I tried to make myself tired, I kept my eyes closed, I pictured myself in a room with black walls, ceiling and floor! I just laid there with my eyes open stairing at the ceiling and nothing was happening! Until, at exactly 1:00am the inevitiable happened...a frate train went by! It passed by perfectly insinc with the hour.

At first, I thought "perfect! This is gonna really put me to sleep!" (sarcasm) It was loud, long, and believe it or not soothing! That stupid train became like a constint hum that put my mind to rest and I actually started to fall asleep! Like really? No really! It was great, I was in that in between place on my way to getting at best 4 1/2 hours of sleep! And then when I was almost gone, it pasted completely by!

The silence woke me up!

I got so frustrated! I was so close but yet so far away again! But in my moment of sheer selfish grief God revealed something to me! Our world is terrifed of silence! Think about it, in a run of a day how many minutes do you have to just sit there? We keep ourselves so busy with work, school, church, sports, music lessons, dance, movies, television, etc! We're never not doing something! This rings true for me! Silence is the proverbial gun that is fireing rounds next to our ears! It's a noise that we just want to escape from! We go stir crazy! I know for me I have to either, turn on music, the tv, be on my computer, reading a book, doing work, etc., I never just sit there!

I'm challenging myself this week and I want to challenge you! When you find yourself in that deathly moment of silence "don't just do something, sit there"! Learn the discipline of solitude! You don't need to read the Bible, or pray (although you should do that everyday too) just sit and meditate. Soak in God, soak in His presence, His love, his creation! Maybe, just maybe the silence will be welcomed instead of feared!



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