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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There's a lot of things about me! But know this...I serve Jesus!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Fo' Sho'...

Well, I've done it! I got me a blog, now hopefully people will actually read it!:)

To start I thought it appropriate to explain my blog address. Well, it's a Bible verse found in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and all it says is to "pray continually"! I love this verse because it's so awesome. It's a verse that's short, sweet and to the point. It isn't hard to understand, and really easy to obey if you think about it! When you're on the bus, instead of analyzing the person's outfit across from you, PRAY! If you're driving and get stuck in traffic instead of flippin' the bird PRAY! In the shower? Pray! Walking to Starbucks...Pray!!! For goodness sakes, when you're on the john...PRAY! Just a worries though, I'm still working praying ever moment I can, hopefully this blog will remind me too!

I also thought that maybe I should explain my blog title! Some of you may never have heard that saying before but hopefully you'll start to use it after you know what it means! In the military fireing a volley is like fireing a canon or some sort of bomb type thing. In the Salvation Army fireing a volley is shouting praises to God! So when someone says fire a volley you have to reply by saying amen or hallelujah! Usually in the Army we shout it after a rip, roaring song like O Boundless Salvation or Victory in Jesus. Some, at the end of the song will shout out Fire A Volley and everyone will reply by shouting AMEN!

Well, that's it folks for now keep checking back, hopefully I'l be posting often!

Fire a Volley...(you say amen:)!!)



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